Thursday, July 8, 2010

Building Blocks

So how do we build character so that we can have Righteous self-esteem? Veterans of this blog know the answer: Seek to do right. You see, if we are left to our natural survival programming, we will naturally do what seems good to us or even right to us. But that doesn’t mean it is right for others, legal, or even moral. Even artificially inflating our self-esteem can seem like a good, harmless, beneficial, or the right thing. But as we saw yesterday, it is a hollow promise which leaves us empty. To overcome our natural survival programming, we have to seek the spiritual plane. That is where we can learn to be motivated by what is righteous rather than motivated by what serves our personal wants and desires. Character is built a block at a time and multiplies upon itself. When our character is strong, built on righteousness, then we have the best self-esteem we can ever have.

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