Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lil’ Ol’ Me

This may be one of the most conceited-sounding posts I’ve ever written, but that isn’t what is in my heart and I don’t intend it to be. It just may come across that way.
I’ve spent a good part of the last two days doing some preparatory work on the blog for the publisher. I work as long as my stamina allows me and then I take a considerable break. Anyway, perusing the blog posts have left me with a couple of impressions I’d like to humbly share. First, it is a diary of sorts into our family, my illness, and me. When I first started writing the blog, I would have never predicted that I would have told so much about us. Even my mother-in-law learned more about me reading the blog than she knew in all the previous 30+ years!! So, for those who ask me to write about our family, marriage, and symptoms, I think that the blog delivers more than I would have ever guessed I would have shared. Secondly, the blog is also a devotional of sorts. If it was written by a notable person, I think you would garner the spiritual and relationship gems it contains. Even though it is written by little ole me, I believe it has some divinely inspired information. Lastly, the blog also serves as a dumping ground or dispensary for all that stuff that runs between my cranial neurons!! Now you know what our kids went through during all our family meetings!! I didn’t have a blog in which to download; so I downloaded onto them!! It must not have damaged them too badly; all of them still choose to read the blog.
So what’s the point of today’s post? Eileen told her mom Saturday that the blog is going to be published. We mail blog updates to her every month or so. Her Mom’s reaction was that she thinks people will find the book interesting and helpful. I hope she is right. The blog has been a labor of love and it continues to be. It will have been worth the often unspoken struggle if people find it helpful - - -even if it’s written by lil’ ol’ me.

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