Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I like Gleevec. Although I battle its side effects, the prognosis for CML (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia) patients continues tGleeveco improve. Where Gleevec is deficient, second generation drugs of its type are already being used. Life expectancy for CML patients on Gleevec-type chemo is expected to reach normal in time. The relapse rate within the first four years of diagnosis is now down to 15%. With the second generation drugs, the relapse rate for the later years is expected to improve too. While some Gleevec patients are blessed to have little or no side effects, a recent report outlined that Gleevec patients "frequently suffer from side effects that are non-serious but can nonetheless reduce their quality of life." 19.4% have severe gastrointestinal or cardiac complications while another 53% experience muscle cramps, weakness, swelling, skin fragility, diarrhea, and tendon or ligament lesions.

Anyway, I can’t focus on the adverse reactions that I have; I must stay focused on the life that Gleevec, prayers, and Almighty God are granting me. Therefore, I like Gleevec and I’m very thankful to not have the degree of side-effects that many have. One more Gleevec note. The cost of my Gleevec is now $6,027.32 every month. I hope the patent expires long before my insurance stops paying for it!! I suppose I like our insurance company too!!

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