Sunday, December 18, 2011


The Christmas gifts are all purchased; all but a few are wrapped;Christmas Begins there are gifts under the tree; and the outside Christmas lights are on each night. Yet, the Christmas season really starts tonight when our oldest daughter arrives. [Some might say to me that Advent is the beginning of the Christmas season, but that’s not what I’m talking about.] In a few days our oldest son’s family will be back here again, bringing us all together until after Christmas. We are blessed.

I’m not sure for how many years we’ll all be able to gather on Christmas. Jobs and families become more of a factor each year. As a matter of fact, we haven’t been back to Illinois to spend Christmas day with Eileen’s family since we left almost twenty years ago. Although Eileen’s family Christmas “get together” is on a day other than Christmas, we’ve only made one of those. The winter is not a good time for me to be up north.

There are many other families who will not be together this year for Christmas. I’m especially thinking of those who serve our nation and God in distant lands or faraway places. While we are all enjoying our Christmas time together, many Americans will be on duty someplace around this country and globe. My mind and heart is never far from them regardless of the time of year.

Well, in an hour or so (Saturday evening) our oldest daughter will arrive and thus will begin my Christmas season. A lot will happen in her life in the coming year before we hopefully come together again next Christmas. I hope that whatever starts your Christmas season has already occurred or is close at hand.

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