Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I want to mention that we had a wonderful trip to Illinois. Our daughter rescheduled her last final to be taken the day before we left and Eileen took Friday off. Rarely does Eileen take any personal days or evenIllinois Trip sick days but we needed to get to Illinois in time for the wedding rehearsal on Friday evening. Eileen was reading the Scripture verses for the wedding. So, after school on Thursday we headed out. Having packed sandwiches for supper, we were able to make only two quick gas stops before arriving at 2:30am Friday morning. Before pulling into Eileen’s mom’s house, we went to the house of one of Eileen’s brothers. There we sat in the driveway and accessed their internet. Our sister-in-law had previously given us the security code. Although I already had written and posted the blog posts, I also post them on Facebook. I have to do that manually. Each day we made a quick stop to access the internet to post to Facebook.

We awoke fairly early Friday morning to find Eileen’s mom (Eunice) having a lot of lower back pain. As you may recall from the blog a few days ago, she has a compression fracture in her lower spine. We spent much of the day doing what we could for her and obtaining x-rays and reports, before heading to the wedding rehearsal and then the dinner.

The wedding ceremony went very well and Eileen did a great job with the readings. We went to the reception afterwards and then the dinner and dance. After dancing and visiting with the family, we left the festivities at about 10pm. It was time to get some rest after a very tiring day and before a long road trip the next day. Sunday morning, after working with Eunice one last time, we headed home in a light sprinkle. After just a little ways, the sprinkle turned into horrendous rain, wind, and hail. There were a couple of times that we were just crawling along that I would have pulled over if I could have found a safe place on those country roads. We finally drove out of it and had drier and hotter weather as we traveled south. We arrived home around 9pm on Sunday thankful for a safe trip and wonderful visit.

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