Monday, October 8, 2012


Despite knowing that Dr. Tan would be swamped today after being gone last week, I still showed up at his office at 8 am. He wasn't going to be in until 9 they said, so I talked to the nurse practitioner again. She said she hadn't been able to talk to Dr. Tan yet but would definitely call me after doing so. She told me to try not to worry. So, I headed off for South Carolina to meet our daughter coming home from Afghanistan.

Just after lunch time the nurse called. Relaying the message from Dr. Tan, she said that there isn't much they can do right now but monitor the cancer. As long as my white blood count stays normal we are to be content. If it goes up, then that is trouble, bad trouble. As in real bad trouble.

I was also told that if I have any changes in symptoms to call them right away. Well, can we say paranoid?! Every time I sneeze or cough I'm going to wonder if that is a change!!

So, they had me change my six month bloodwork and one year doctor visit to a three month check and visit.

My false positive theory was just hope in the wind. The test measures the amount of cancer cells. It doesn't just say positive or negative. The good thing is that my measurement was log 12 when I was first diagnosed. Then it steadily went down to log zero. Now it is back up to log three.

Well, that is all I know for now. Thank you for the kind comments, emails, and especially the prayers. I'll try to not let this thing preoccupy my mind but I know that if it goes to the next step, it will get ugly in a hurry. Thank you again!!

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