Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Update Two

In a surprise move, Dr. Tan called me today. The gist of it is that he told me not to panic yet. He said not to worry about the positive test result unless it happens a second or third time in a row...provided that my other tests remain normal and my symptoms don't worsen. Even at that, his next move is to put me on Tasigna when Gleevec has become ineffective.

I told Dr. Tan that his call meant a lot to me and I really appreciated it. He repeated that I'm to get retested in three months. Well, because of scheduling conflicts and the normal two weeks it takes to get this test back, I really only have two months to wait; it's been a month since the last blood draw.

I doubt I have anything new to report for two months...at least I hope I don't!!!

Thank you again for all your comments, emails, calls, and prayers!!!

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